Monday, October 3, 2011

Decatur / Forsyth, IL - You are my Sunshine

I love this sign and I'm hoping it might bring a little cheer to your Monday!  Now that the days are getting shorter, it's a nice reminder to take advantage of the sunshine each and every day!  It also makes me think of Caden....who makes me laugh constantly!  As I type this, he is sleeping in his big boy bed for the first time!  I am so proud of him.  :)

I have posted a few color palette's since my last post (see inspiration above), but there are more to come.  I just love this time of year and all of the beautiful colors that go with it! 

I also got my facebook page up yesterday!  If you haven't already, please "like" Julie Scheuler Photography (by clicking the tab above) to take advantage of monthly specials and giveaways that are only available to my facebook buddies.  I'm hoping to be better at posting on this facebook page versus my personal one!  :)  My first special will be announced on the 15th of October!

Thanks for stopping by!


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